Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pat's Story...

I interviewed Patricia Goclowski to learn about her experience with the adoption process!

Here is our interview...

-Were your adoptions open or closed?
"All adoptions in NC are still closed. We would be willing to help our adopted sons locate their family members when they are older/adults."
-Did you adopt from a Private or International agency?
"Our adoptions were with The Children's Home Society in Greensboro, NC ...we were foster parents licensed with their agency."
-What was required during the adoption process?
"We were a foster family with CHS for over 10 yrs. keeping medical fragile and drug exposed babies. Never in a million years did we think of adopting as our children were all grown except our daughter who was 12 yrs old at the time. Parker is my Christmas baby as he came into our home on 12-17-1997, and Anthony my Easter baby as he came into our home on 04-16-01  Easter Monday. What seems like tons of paper work is required to adopt. Today families wanting to adopt have to complete the same process as becoming foster families. This involves, background checks on all adults in the home, medical physicals for everyone in the home, TB tests for everyone in the home, Health Dept inspections which are the same as if a restaurant or nursing facility was being inspected of the home  also-if a spetic system at the home it is to be inspected, and well water must be tested,  Fire Inspection which is done by the Fire Marshall in your county, references must be furnished, caseworker from the agency must make a certain number of required visits to the home--plus they also inspect the home (NC State has certain requirements as the sq footage of space in living areas, bedrooms, etc) The caseworker does a homestudy on the family, interviewing each member, then puts the information together which becomes a part of the agency's permanent file. Training is required which is called MAP--Model Approach to Parenting --plus CPR and First Aid, total of 40 hours per year.
It seems to be a steady stream of people coming into your cannot be shy going through this process. After the paperwork is complete then everything goes to the court for the judge to review and sign off on the final adoption order. This is a legal paper which you recieve a copy of ...then a new birth certificate can be ordered from Raleigh for the children."
-How old are the kids now?
"Parker and Anthony both came into our home as newborns. Parker was over 2yrs of age when his adoption was final and Anthony was over 1 yr. Today Anthony is 10 years old ( 4-12-01) and Parker is 13 years old (12-15-97) will be 14 next month."
-How has your life changed since the adoptions?
"My husband and I are both retirement age, and a lot of our friends think we are crazy with little ones still at having to get them off to school + participating in school activities.  We are extremely busy as we have grandchildren the same age as our we have children over at our house all of the time which is fun !!!"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Adoption is a BEAUTIFUL thing...

Adoption is a way to provide children with a better and happier future!

♥Adoption shows children that they are loved!

♥Adoption gives children the opportunity to do great things in the world!

♥Adoption teaches children that there is hope for them!

♥Adoption provides children with loving and caring families!

Adoption Process Steps...

There are so many steps to take into account when adopting a child. The adoption process takes a very long time to carry out in all entirety.

Here are the steps that an adoptive parent or couple would take when adopting a child...

1) The family, couple, or individual must be absolutely sure that adoption is right for them.

2) The person adopting could wish to hire an adoption professional for support and guidance.

3) They will then decide on the agency they wish to use for their adoption.

4) After deciding on the agency, the completion of an agency application form is required.

5) Some parents choose to hire an attorney during this process, but it is not required.

6) A home study is always required when adopting a child.

7) After the home study, the adoptive parents or parent could choose to partake in pre-adoption or parenting classes.

8) Before the birth of the child, families usually prepare the nursery.

Ray Luthar's Story...

Ray Luthar is a Pastor at Springfield Friends Meeting in High Point North Carolina. He and his wife, Katie have always wanted children of their own, but that was not a possibility for them. Being that they didn't have the option to have their own children, the Luthar's decided to look into adoption. After a long period of time discussing the topic, Ray and Katie decided that adoption was exactly what they wanted to do.

I interviewed Ray about his experience with the adoption process.
Here's a little bit of information reguarding Ray and Katie's adoption...

-Ray and Katie were a part of a Semi-open adoption through a private agency. The adoption will be private until the child is two years old.

-Before they even started carrying out the process, there was a lot that was required of them.

-It took three long years for the couple to hear that they had been picked to adopt.

-While waiting for the birth of their adoptive child, Ray and Katie had to go through a home study, FBI fingerprint check, nursery check, and many financial payments.

-It took four months for the adoption to be finalized (November- April).

-Ray says, "It's a joy! It's a lot better, but also harder than I thought it would be. It has truly taught me the importance of family!"

-On the day of the child's birth, the biological mother allowed Katie to be in the delivery room. Katie held hands with the mother as she gave birth.

-Ray and Katie were able to feed their baby its firs bottle and change the first diaper.

-Ray and Katie named their son Carson Nehemiah Luthar.

-If the couple were to adopt again, they shared that they would definitely get more sleep and aquire more knowledge on babies.

♥Here are some pictures of Carson Luthar...

Monday, November 14, 2011


When adopting, you need to think about what kind of agency to adopt from. Two examples of adoption agencies are Private and International agencies. Both of these agencies are particularly expensive. The costs between these two agencies are very similar.

♥Private Agencies:
-Costs can range anywhere from 4,000 to 30,000 dollars.
-Costs include...
-Counseling for the birth parents
-Preparation and home study for the adoptive parents        
-Birth expenses                  
-Post-placement supervision until the adoption is final
-A portion of operating and overhead costs.

 ♥International Agencies:
-Costs can range anywhere from 7,000 to 25,000 dollars.
-Costs inculde...
-Child foster care
-parent’s travel and stay while processing the adoption
-escorting fees for when the parents hire someone to be with the child during the flight
-child’s medical care and treatment

International Children's Festival

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are You Qualified???

♥Many people believe that there are multitudes of specific requirements to become an adoptive parent, but that is actually not true!

♥Anyone can adopt a child! Adoptive parents today are known to be single, married, gay, straight, childless, or even already parents. You don't have to be rich to be an adoptive parent. An orphan child does not pay a bit of attention to his or her parent's income.

♥If someone can provide a child with a great amount of love and compassion, they are absolutely qualified to adopt a child. A child will be thankful for anyone who takes care of them and provides them with a happy and healthy life. 


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Types of Adoption...

♥Every Type of adoption requires an up-front fee. Depending on the type of adoption, the up-front fee can be particularly expensive. The fee usually ranges from zero to 2,500 dollars.

♥Open Adoptions:
-An Open Adoption takes place when birth parents and adoptive parents speak before and after the birth of the child. Most open adoptions take place when a birth mother can't afford or take care of the child.

♥Semi-Open Adoptions:
-A Semi-Open Adoption is when birth parents and adoptive parents know basic information about each other. With a semi-open adoption, both sets of parents do communicate, but not as often as they would during an open adoption.

♥Closed Adoptions:
-A Closed Adoption is when birth parents and adoptive parents are confidential before and after the placement of a child. Most unplanned pregnancies result in closed adoptions.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

About My Blog...

My name is Lindsay Whitaker. I am seventeen years old, and I am a senior at Wheatmore High School in Trinity, North Carolina. For my Senior Project, I chose to research the adoption process. I chose to do my project on the process of adoption because I have a very strong passion for children. I believe that every child deserves love and a chance, no matter who provides it. I learned so much in the time I spent researching this topic, and I would like to share what I've learned with all of you! With this blog, I hope to provide information and guidance to those who are curious about the process of adoption, or possibly looking to become adoptive parents. Thank you for your time! :)