Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ray Luthar's Story...

Ray Luthar is a Pastor at Springfield Friends Meeting in High Point North Carolina. He and his wife, Katie have always wanted children of their own, but that was not a possibility for them. Being that they didn't have the option to have their own children, the Luthar's decided to look into adoption. After a long period of time discussing the topic, Ray and Katie decided that adoption was exactly what they wanted to do.

I interviewed Ray about his experience with the adoption process.
Here's a little bit of information reguarding Ray and Katie's adoption...

-Ray and Katie were a part of a Semi-open adoption through a private agency. The adoption will be private until the child is two years old.

-Before they even started carrying out the process, there was a lot that was required of them.

-It took three long years for the couple to hear that they had been picked to adopt.

-While waiting for the birth of their adoptive child, Ray and Katie had to go through a home study, FBI fingerprint check, nursery check, and many financial payments.

-It took four months for the adoption to be finalized (November- April).

-Ray says, "It's a joy! It's a lot better, but also harder than I thought it would be. It has truly taught me the importance of family!"

-On the day of the child's birth, the biological mother allowed Katie to be in the delivery room. Katie held hands with the mother as she gave birth.

-Ray and Katie were able to feed their baby its firs bottle and change the first diaper.

-Ray and Katie named their son Carson Nehemiah Luthar.

-If the couple were to adopt again, they shared that they would definitely get more sleep and aquire more knowledge on babies.

♥Here are some pictures of Carson Luthar...

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